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I ran away from teaching to the country to grow veggies. There are also some chooks and a pair of troublesome goats who were so much trouble they had to go! My simple green life isn't always as simple or as green as I'd like...but I keep trying!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I had a little nut tree,

But nothing will it bear,

Cos, the bloody goats,

Keep -a - eatin all its hair!


  1. Ahhh, you have livestock that prune, as well. Our horses took our almond trees back to the bare trunk and it flourished...once the horse access was removed.

    Your little tree should look fantastic next year....if it survives!

  2. Lol that's funny Hazel, nutty alright!

    What kind of nut?

  3. So funny but annoying I suspect, can't you put a bit of chicken wire around it?

  4. laughing right here.......looks like my lemon tree did and I didnt have goats.!!!
    Bad goats...but funny goats...x

  5. I've had a *good* idea, Hazel -- make the tree a suit of armour from some of those tin cans you wrote about yesterday... :)

  6. I hope the kangaroos don't hear about your tasty little nut tree or indeed your very tasty vegies!!!! Caesar


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