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I ran away from teaching to the country to grow veggies. There are also some chooks and a pair of troublesome goats who were so much trouble they had to go! My simple green life isn't always as simple or as green as I'd like...but I keep trying!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Look what was delivered today!
Eight Lavender Araucana's...unsexed.
I hope they don't all end up being roosters.

I want to keep adding to the flock to cover losses.
A dog killed one of my original hens a couple of weeks ago...
and the one Isa Brown I have left is old and not laying.

Which leaves me with seven layers at the present.
They are churning out those eggs at an average of five a day.

I saw these little lovelies on a website 
and couldn't resist the idea of green eggs (though some sites say blue).
Stay tuned for the inevitable 'Green Eggs and Ham' post!
But at two and a half weeks old, you may be waiting a while.


  1. Hooray! Gorgeous little ones. I had a lav araucana. But it turned out to be Mr Lavender. They are hard to tell apart at first. Out of that lot I'm sure you'll have a fair few ladies!!

  2. Hooray! Gorgeous little ones. I had a lav araucana. But it turned out to be Mr Lavender. They are hard to tell apart at first. Out of that lot I'm sure you'll have a fair few ladies!!

  3. ooohhh nice, I do like the look of those greenish tinged googlies...
    I am getting five eggs a day, and it is juussst a little too many for us to get through, we are selling a dozen here and there to help pay for the feed....

  4. Its unfortunate that they are not the most attractive of chickens, but their beautiful eggs make up for it!
    YAY we are LA Buddies!!

  5. We have 3, a lavender, 1 black and a white. They all lay blue eggs.
    You're bound to get a few hens. What will you do with the roosters though? Do you eat them?


  6. Oh cute. Green eggs would be cool. Surely you will get some girls.

  7. I saw some at the Edible Garden Show this year - they are beautiful but also fierce looking. Their eggs are just lovely though :)

  8. Wonderful! I am sure you have a few ladies in that group.

  9. Blue and beautiful! My treasure left years ago and I miss those eggs.I used to save them for an elderly relative who adored them.You'll have no regrets I hope unless of course they do turn out to be roosters! Good luck.

  10. i predict you have 2 roosters there

  11. So cute! They say 50/50 for sexes, so hopefully at least 4 will be girls, and surely not less than that, surely! Are you planning on naming them? Will you use leg bands to tell them apart?

    Good luck!

  12. really cute Babies looking forward to that post

  13. I have just one that lays me greenish-blue eggs now but I have two chicks growing out as well that will hopefully lay green or blue.

  14. I hope you get all girls, were did you get them from Id love some of these hens.

  15. Like Mrs Bok, we got one of these, but had to rehouse him.

    Disappointing. I also wanted the greeny-blue eggs. Still, we were able to keep Hazel, the Gold Wyandotte and Pudgy, the Barred Plymouth Rock, so all was not lost!


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