As you know I have a huge pile of chipped mulch from the road workers. I have decided to use some of this for the more permanent pathways in the veggie garden. I was going to plant a berry patch on the inside of this fence but decided to give the apple trees on the outside a bit more room and have made a narrowish path on the inside.
One problem with the chipped mulch is that it actually takes nitrogen from the soil as it breaks down. So I spread a generous layer of pelleted chicken manure and some blood and bone under the newspaper before laying the mulch. I am hoping this will leach down to the soil, feed the apples and counteract the effect of the mulch.
For other paths in the vegetable garden I will use stepping stones, and planks of wood that I can move around depending on the crop and my need to access it. This will allow a certain flexibility with the size of plantings too.
Now you have a trailer you can buy pea mulch from the farmer at Panton Hill!